13 Hilarious Neighbors Who Dont Do Boring
By Daniel Godley - January 18, 2022

Unless you live on a desert island, neighbors are something that we all have to put up with – and their pets and gardens to boot. Sometimes neighbors bring us hilarity and joy and other times they can be super annoying, which one you get is just luck of the draw.  Either way, they bring personality to the neighborhoods they live in. This is our list of the neighbors who made life just a little more interesting for the people who live alongside them.

“Congrats on the new chandelier, neighbor”

via Imgur

There are many parts of living downstairs from someone a nightmare, the indescribable noises that are sure to come raining down being one. But there are also some costs that come with being an upstairs neighbor, namely that of someone installing a new light fixture and having screws come up through your floor.